Celebrating Black Futures Month with the Hurling Spears Family

The Hurling Spears Family has been part of the Training Source Family for years, including all three Hurling Spears siblings participating in the Youth Leadership Program. We recently sat down for an interview with Jasmin Hurling Spears, the oldest Hurling Spears sibling to discuss The Training Source’s impact on her life, and the lives of her siblings, as well as 30 Years of Excellence in service to Prince George’s County..

The Training Source: Tell us how you became involved with The Training Source. How did you hear about our programs and services?

Jasmin: I’m a Suitland High School graduate. My mom connected with a counselor at Suitland and received a package of information about programs, and some flyers about programs. We reviewed the package together and The Training Source’s Youth Leadership Program stuck out to me, so I completed the application and was accepted.

The Training Source: What made our program stand out to you?

Jasmin: It was definitely the “leadership focus.” I had leadership qualities, and I’ve always been outspoken, so I was excited about the opportunity to grow these qualities. The program also talked about exposure to careers and different opportunities. At the time all I knew was school and the violin so this gave me an opportunity to be part of a program outside of school, and one that wasn’t just focused on academics.

The Training Source: What activities stand out to you from your time in the Youth Leadership Program?

Jasmin: I really had the opportunity to be myself in the program. I was around individuals who were trying to do the same thing as me, we were all focused on going to college and taking the next step in our lives, so we encouraged each other. I got to meet people from different areas and build my network through the program. The program also gave me the confidence that my voice mattered. I battled self-doubt and the program helped me realize that my opinions matter even if they differ from other opinions in the room. That really gave me a new sense of confidence.  We also spent time working on our resumes. Each year we had a resume workshop and I used that resume all throughout college. That resume helped me obtain an internship with the federal government in undergrad, and it is still the foundation of my resume today.

The Training Source: Both of your siblings also participated in the Training Source’s Youth Leadership Program, did you encourage them to apply as well?

Jasmin: In the Hurling Spears household, what is good for one sibling is good for all of us! My mom saw what I was exposed to and told my sister “ok, it’s your turn now, ” and the same with my brother. We’re siblings, but each of us made the program our own and got something unique from it that fit our personalities and our goals.

The Training Source: Speaking of you, your siblings, and the Youth Leadership Program, the theme we’re focused on during Black History Month is “Black Futures,” what does that mean to you when you hear it?

Jasmin: I immediately think about cultivating, shaping and molding future leaders. Planting the seeds into their minds that they are successful and can achieve their goals. That’s really what Ms. Kim and The Training Source did for each of us.

The Training Source: As you know, The Training Source is turning 30 this year. In your opinion, how has the organization and its programs enhanced the community over the past 30 years?

Jasmin: The Training Source was founded in 1993, coincidently that’s the year I was born, so it was a great year! Ms. Kim is truly amazing, she is the secret to the success of The Training Source. Her story of founding the organization shows dedication and is a reflection of who she is. She always gives back to her community and that really resonates with me. It is encouraging to have someone like her supporting you, you can tell she loves this work and the people she serves.


We thank Jasmin so much for sharing her story with us! Please be sure to follow The Training Source on Social Media to hear more from Jasmin and her siblings as well as former board members, volunteers, donors and friends as we celebrate 30 Years of Excellence!

You can also see Jasmin in our Ready 4 Work Graduation video as a featured speaker. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about The Training Source’s Youth Leadership Program, click HERE to read more about the program and application process.